Propolis T
Related articles: propolis can prevent and treat leukemia and cancer. propolis is a natural supplement for asthma management.. the truth about psoriasis natural treatments: honey, propolis, bee venom or other natural products.. propolis treats otorhinolaryngologic and respiratory diseases. propolis: a natural treatment for oral health. propolis protects liver, has anti-radiation effect, boosts. More propolis t images. Exposure to propolis t propolis and propolis-related substances can occur in multiple settings. occupational. beekeepers propolis allergy can develop after many years of exposure. in one study the average exposure time before developing propolis allergy was 9. 5 years (range 0. 1-35 years). Propolis is thought to have antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. but scientific research on propolis is limited. researchers arent exactly sure why, but the bee product appears to provide protection from some bacteria, viruses, and fungi. propolis ha...