7 3 Diabetes
When you have diabetes, it’s important to choose foods that don’t elevate your blood sugar levels above a healthy range. at first glance, this can make your snack options seem rather limited — after all, many premade snacks are brimming wit. It's ok but: it's not bad; it should be between 6 and 7 for diabetics. the lower the better! as you may know, this test measures your average sugar over 2-3 months. as a general rule, an a1c of 5=100, 6=130, 7=160 and so on. Type 3 diabetes is the proposed name for a condition that occurs when type 2 diabetes and alzheimer's disease coexist. it's the name for alzheimer's or dementia caused by insulin resistance in the. See more results. 7 early signs of type 2 diabetes medically reviewed by maria prelipcean, m. d. — written by anna schaefer — updated on december 7 3 diabetes 3, 2018 frequent urination. Aug 20, 2020 · it's ok but: it's not bad; it should be between 6 and 7 for diabetics. the lower the better! as you may ...